- 出典・作者:道元『正法眼蔵随聞記』
- 解釈:翡翠の原石は磨かれて、立派な完成品としての器となる。そのように、人もいろいろと錬磨されて、慈しみの心を持つ完成した人格、すなわち仁者と言われる人物になる。
- Literal:The uncut stone is polished and becomes the container. The person is trained and becomes a humane person.
- Interpretation:The uncut stone of the jade is polished and becomes the vessel as an excellent finished product. The person is polished in various ways like that, and it is to a person said to be a finished personality with a mind of the love namely a humane person.
- Category:Judaism
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